
Due to sensitive countries or the nature of their work, some of our missionary friends are not listed below


Adult and Teen Challenge

Our mission is to provide a transformative, Christian faith-based solution to life-controlling behavioral disorders, including but not limited to drug and alcohol addiction, pornography, and gambling. At Adult & Teen Challenge of the Greater Midwest, we are committed to treating the whole person - mind, body, and spirit - so they can become thriving, productive members of their community.

With a strong spiritual foundation, we strive to help individuals achieve mental clarity, emotional stability, social restoration, physical wellness, and spiritual renewal. Through this journey, residents are given the opportunity to encounter God as their true source of hope and transformation, bringing Him glory as their lives are powerfully restored by His Holy Spirit.

Called College

*You feel a verifiable call from God into vocational ministry.
*You want the skills and knowledge necessary for long-term success in ministry.
*You want to be mentored in ministry by some of the best to ever do it.
*You want to make lifelong connections with friends and leaders who will push you to be who you are called to be.
A vocation (from Latin vocatio “a call, summons”) is an occupation to which a person is especially drawn or for which they are suited, trained or qualified. Being “called” means being set apart for ministry as their primary work in the world. Even if vocational ministers have a secular job or career, they would consider ministry to be their main purpose in life. Vocational ministers are often pastors or missionaries, but may be evangelists, chaplains, or even drawn to social work.

Mark and Jenn Bettinger - Chi Alpha

Mark and Jenn launched EIU Chi Alpha in the fall of 2015, creating a vibrant community of students passionately following Jesus. We’re not just a group - we’re family. Though our name is Greek, inspired by the language of the New Testament, its meaning comes from 2 Corinthians 5:20: “We are therefore Christ’s (Chi) Ambassadors (Alpha).” We often shorten it to XA.

Before coming to EIU, Mark and Jenn served as missionaries in South Africa, ministering to widows and vulnerable children. Recently, Mark stepped into a new role as the Illinois State Director for Chi Alpha, overseeing 14 campus ministries across the state. Though they are no longer at EIU full-time, they remain deeply connected to the ministry. Jenn has also taken on a new position, serving as the Great Lakes XAi representative, supporting staff and students across 53 campuses in five states (IL, IN, WI, OH, and MI). Their heart for discipleship and campus ministry continues to impact students far beyond EIU.

Jay & Cinnamon Covert - Urban Outreach Ministries

Jay is a former addict with a powerful testimony of transformation. After graduating from Teen Challenge and Master’s Commission, he embraced God’s call to reach the addicted, afflicted, and hopeless in inner cities. In 2004, after completing the Master’s Commission program and serving for four years at the original Urban Outreach in Washington, D.C., he launched his own ministry in the poverty-stricken East St. Louis, IL area.
Alone for a year, Jay ministered from the back of his Ford Aspire, packed with snack bags and clothing to freely distribute to the homeless, drug dealers, and gang members. Today, alongside his wife, Cinnamon, and a dedicated team, they have planted 11 Urban Outreach centers across 10 cities, using unconventional methods to reach the outcast, addicted, and street-hardened with the love of Christ. 

First Step Women's Center

We support women and families in Springfield, IL, facing unexpected pregnancies with compassion and care. Our holistic approach provides accurate information, free services, and practical support, ensuring each client feels heard, valued, and empowered. We are committed to equipping them with the resources and guidance they need to make informed decisions for themselves and their future.

Chuck & Wilma Lormis - Missions Cultivators

Chuck and Wilma Lormis have dedicated most of their ministry lives to missions in various capacities. Though they had known each other through ministry for over 20 years, it wasn’t until April 2015 that God began to intertwine their paths. On September 5, 2015, they joined their lives in marriage, united in their calling to serve Jesus and make Him known.
Both share a deep passion for missions, believing it is not merely a program of the Church but Missio Dei - the mission of God. They are committed to integrating this mission into every aspect of the Church’s work. Their heart is to reach the lost by equipping and encouraging pastors and churches, helping them expand their impact - locally, regionally, nationally, and globally.

Billy & Katy Willis - Youth Alive

We exist to inspire students to LIVE ON MISSION!
In April 2020, Billy and Katy Willis took a bold step of faith, transitioning from youth pastors to Youth Alive Missionaries for the state of Illinois. Youth Alive, a missions movement launched by the Assemblies of God, is dedicated to reaching one of the largest mission fields - public schools.
Billy and Katy partner with churches and youth ministries across Illinois, equipping students to fulfill the Great Commission. They empower young people to start Youth Alive clubs and prayer tables, uniting with fellow Christian students to share the gospel and transform their campuses. With an unshakable passion and a fire for revival, they are ministering across Illinois, believing for a powerful move of God among the next generation!


Brad & Amy Beebe - Ireland

Pastors Brad and Amy Beebe are both Bible School Graduates. They have traveled to over nine nations, spreading the gospel. In 2013, God called them to make Ireland their long-term mission field. With only 1.5% of the population identifying as Christian, Ireland remains the least evangelized nation in Europe. They faithfully served at a local church in Limerick until God placed a new vision on their hearts - to plant a church of their own. In 2022, they pioneered Triumph Church in a commuter town just west of Dublin, where they are witnessing lives transformed as many, for the first time, step into a Christian church. Their passion is to see churches planted across Ireland, a nation much like the one Jesus saw - sheep without a shepherd. The harvest is ripe, and the Beebes are raising up laborers to bring in the lost.

Katie Luke (Benson) - Indonesia

Katie (Benson) and Danny Luke are missionaries to Indonesia, the largest Muslim population in the world! Katie has been serving in Indonesia since 2014. Danny joined her in December 2022.
For the last 9 years, Katie was a part of the team that has successfully pioneered campus ministry focusing on reaching Muslim students! They are now making the move to Jakarta, the capital city, to reach Indonesia in a new context...an International Church!
Their desire is to serve the church, bless the city, and reach the unreached.
If you have specific questions about Indonesia or the ministry they are a part of, please don’t hesitate to ask! Click the learn more button to connect with Katie's Facebook page. 

Larry & Mi Sook Fischer - Korea

Larry and Mi Sook have recently answered God’s call to the mission field, dedicating their ministry to serving the military community in Korea. Their work focuses on strengthening chaplains and their families, supporting marriages, and nurturing children through Bible classes and VBS.
Their ministry also includes church planting, leading men’s and women’s groups and retreats, and hosting Bible studies for singles, married couples, and service members. Additionally, they are addressing the critical need for ministry to single chaplains.
Click the Learn More button to visit their newsletter site, where you can read the latest updates, explore past editions, and subscribe to stay connected with their mission.

Rick & Angela Johnson - Triumphant Ministries International

Rick and Angela are the visionary founders of Triumphant Ministries International, a ministry that has spanned the globe - from refugee camps in Nepal to war zones in Burma, from the slums of Africa to the barrios of South America. Their journey led them to Myanmar, where they discovered their true passion for serving the marginalized. This passion birthed the incorporation of their ministry in Myanmar, enabling them to acquire land near Kalaymyo and build the Legacy Campus.

The Legacy Campus houses the Legacy Learning Center, where at-risk girls are empowered through sewing skills and vocational training. Angie’s House serves as a refuge for orphans and seniors, reaching out to those often forgotten. The School of the Harvesters is their evangelistic training initiative, equipping individuals with effective methods to spread the Gospel, not only in Myanmar but across borders into China, India, Bangladesh, Laos, and Thailand.

Their work extends beyond education and outreach to agriculture through Jehovah Jireh Farms, where they grow rice and other crops. This produce sustains orphanages, supports local markets, and fuels evangelistic efforts. Additionally, they oversee Harvest Churches throughout Myanmar—vibrant, life-giving communities committed to church planting and fulfilling their mission mandate.

Joel & April Louisignau - Go Beyond Borders

Go Beyond Borders exists with the purpose and goal of introducing people to the living God - the one true God who loves them unconditionally and has incredible plans for their lives. At the heart of their ministry is mass evangelism, a cornerstone event that has played a pivotal role in reaching countless souls. This approach will continue to be a foundational part of their outreach efforts worldwide. Above all, their focus is on effectiveness, and they are committed to utilizing every form of evangelism necessary to reach the unreached.
In 2010, Joel and April answered the call to be voices to the masses. At Go Beyond Borders, their mission is clear: to preach the Gospel to as many people as possible and to follow God’s call wherever He leads. Today, their outreach spans across the globe, reaching many areas where people have never heard the message of Jesus or the Gospel even once. Their goal is to change this reality, whether through large-scale events or one-on-one interactions. Time is short, and the world is rapidly changing, but one thing remains constant: God's unchanging love for humanity.

Jim & Sandra Murphy - Promise Home

At the end of 2021, Jim and Sandra made the life-changing decision to move to Honduras. They are the directors of Promise Home Honduras AND Promise Home Kenya. Their heart for the children is to raise them in a loving family setting, give them a quality education, and train them to be self sufficient Christian citizens that give back to their country. They also have a heart to come alongside and equip Honduran Pastors to better minister to the people of Honduras.
Jim has been serving in Honduras since 2002, and both Jim and Sandra have been involved with Promise Home since its inception through short-term mission trips. After years of prayer, they are overjoyed and grateful that God has called them to this important work. They fully recognize the weight of this responsibility, but they trust that God is with them every step of the way.
Promise Home offers a family for children who have never known one. In this loving, Christ-centered environment, each child experiences the profound love of Jesus. They are provided with love, quality education, nutritional support, and guidance that will shape their lives for the future.

Tim & Marketa Southerland - Latin America Caribbean (LAC)

Tim and Marketa Southerland moved to The Netherlands in 1998, where they dedicated themselves to church planting, introducing XA university ministry, teaching at a Bible school, and serving on the Dutch A/G national leadership team. From 2006 until recently, they served as area directors in Europe, supporting missionaries and fostering national church partnerships.
In 2020, they were invited to join a new initiative in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), focusing on the Dutch-speaking communities in the Caribbean. They believe this is a pivotal moment for a fresh move of the Spirit in this region. Both Tim and Marketa are fluent in Dutch, enjoy reading, and love taking long walks together.
Click the "Learn More" button to sign up for their newsletter and stay updated on their ministry to the Dutch-speaking Caribbean community.